• a defense
  • amplifications
  • proving a vision
  • desire lines
  • anagrams
  • seeing is believing
  • templates
  • untitled
  • to future historians
  • second nature
  • thunder
  • constellation (no.1-3)
  • untitled (or smallTALK II)
  • primetime
  • en passant
  • chromatonement
  • the world is flat #screen
  • the sustainable life
  • a crescendo
  • love is knots
  • things I must dimention
  • pedestal study no.4
  • pedestal study no.3
  • pedestal study no.2
  • About 15,000 years ago, an anonymous hand performed a remarkably systematic
    movement and drew four lines onto a cold stone surface, creating the first
    non-organic shape: a square. The exact purpose of this pure idea, embodied in
    four hesitant strokes, remains speculative–as does the reason behind the rest
    of the prehistoric legacy that we, quite one-sidedly, have labelled as cave art.
    Regardless of that dispute, we can see an actual beginning of time, when humans started
    associating the concept of temporality with spatiality and set out to leave marks.
    This acknowledgment of our relative position in time is one of the forces driving the project
    to future historians. Set in this unique environment of the ENCI quarry, which itself
    stands for the passing of time as reflected by the accumulation of geological material,
    the project bridges para-archeological and artistic practice.
    The hand-outlines and pictographs found in the caves have their continuation in contemporary
    graffiti tags found in urban spaces, represented in Maastricht by the abundance of
    engravings in limestone.

    The inscriptions found on built structures all over the city, have been brought back to
    their site of origin–the ENCI quarry–and copied onto the surfaces created through the
    extraction of the limestone blocks. Those carved out monumental hallways comprise a
    bizarre system of negative-architecture. It is then no wonder that the particular
    aura of the historical quarry seduced also the Belgian artist and amateur of
    archaeology Robert Garcet, who in the 70’s announced his discovery of
    the underground culture of the Thebah.
    Next to the displaced inscriptions, the walls have also been covered with several symbols
    dating back to pre-Ice Age. These engravings started to blend in with the existing ones,
    creating an amalgamate of signs, creating a universal, intrinsic language, testifying
    about what is important for us, becoming our message to future historians.

    engravings in limestone | measurements variable | intervention - 2017